October 2015 Meeting minutes

PCA Oct 2015

Vice-President Fran Naperalski brought the October14, 2015, Michiana Porsche Club to order at 6:31 PM. There were 20 members present. Susan Broadbent read the minutes of the last meeting. Marty Hostetler moved the minutes be accepted as read, Beth Huss seconded, and the motion passed.  Fran gave the Treasurer’s report.                                                                       Old Business: We had a report from the Charity Committee.  We also had a report from the Mid-Winter Meet-the-Members planning committee.  It suggested the second Saturday in January, January 9th, 2016, at Mosier’s in New Carlisle, Indiana.  The club will vote on this at the November meeting.  Murray Bartel reported that the Meatery in Warsaw is opening an addition restaurant at #112

New Business: We discussed the trial of a new meeting place for our monthly meetings. Don Huss moved that we have our November meeting at Antonio’s Italian Ristorante at 1105 Goshen Avenue in Elkhart (574-295-8424), Dick Broadbent seconded, and the motion passed.  Sharon Tyler brought the School Supply Give-away newsletter to pass around for the group to read.  She reported that this program provided school supplies for 1,400 school kids.  Fran encouraged the club members to take the Street Survival test for instructors.  The program is badly in need of qualified instructors.

At 7:02 Marty Hostetler moved to adjourn the meeting, Murray Bartel seconded, and the motion passed.

Respectfully submitted, Susan Broadbent, Secretary

Attendance: Sam Speziale, Dick & Susan Broadbent, Don & Beth Huss, Marc Ruhling, Harry Burnstine, Ben & Sharon Tyler, Murray & Penny Bartel, Paul Brumbaugh & Emily Savickis, Rudi Engler, Matt & Fran Naperalski, Marty & Michelle Hostetler, and Brad & Kellie Fishburn

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Minutes of July 9, 2014 Members’ Meeting

July 2014 Minutes of the Michiana Porsche Club

  1. Jonathan called the July 9, 2014 Michiana Porsche Club meeting to order at 6:35 pm.  There were 15 members present and one guest.  Sharon Tyler introduced Sadie Pollard, Board Member of SSGA of Gary, Inc. and she was welcomed to the meeting.
  2. Wieand read the minutes of the June 11, 2014 meeting in Susan Broadbent’s absence and it was approved as presented after a motion by Marty Hostetler and a second by Marc Ruhling.
  3. Jeff Morgan’s Treasurer’s report for June was presented showing, $9,210.15 Beginning Balance: Receipts of $418.50 National Rebate; Disbursements of $316.92  Presidents’ meeting expense reimbursement, $1,200.87 Meet the Members/Awards banquet & Presidents’ meeting reimbursement ($1,000 collected at Meet the Members was included in the prior month’s report), $263.99  Homestead Tech Website Fees, $9.50  Bank Fees = Total Disbursements of $1,791.28 Sub Total; for an ending balance of $7,837.37 Ending Balance

This does not include and autocross receipts from the first two events yet.

Jeff’s report was approved w/a motion by Dick Broadbent & a 2nd by Marty Hostetler.

Old Business:

  1. Fran Napieralski reported that the Street Survival Training for youth was being held at the Tire Rack on Saturday, July 12.  PCA National has gotten behind this effort and is encouraging the Regions to get involved.  Matt and Fran have been serving as instructors in this program for a number of years.  Volunteers are needed for the Saturday event and she asked for volunteers.  Matt and Fran will be joined by Jonathan and Mary Ann Wieand.  Others were encouraged to show up to assist if schedules permitted.
  2. We have an Autocross at the Tire Rack on Saturday, August 2
  3. The School Supply Give Away of Gary is coming up on August 9 and funds are still needed to release supplies for the event.  It was moved by Fran Napieralski and 2nd by Dick Broadbent that the club contribute $2,000 to help with expenses and the motion passed.  Wieand was instructed to authorize the Treasurer to issue the check soon.
  4. Further discussion was held regarding the memorial bench to be constructed at the Tire Rack honoring Pete Veldman and the request for support from the various car clubs using the facilities.  Matt Napieralski moved that the club contribute $250 toward the project, Marty Hostetler 2nd, and the motion passed.
  5. The annual European Car Show at Orrin Hayes Mercedes in Kalamazoo is Saturday, July 26, and Jonathan invited members to let him know if they planned to join him and Paul Swope in showing their cars.
  6. Our nonfunctioning web site was down for a few days until we proved to the host with a copy of the cancelled check that we had paid our bill.  Jonathan and Jeff Margush have been in contact with PCA regarding getting test web site through National and how to make the transition.

New Business

  • Ben and Sharon Tyler proposed to plan Crown Point Dive and Dive for the 2ndweekend in October.  More information to follow.
  • Jonathan will look into breakfast arrangements for prior to the drive down to the Village at Winona for the Canal Days Car Show on Saturday, September 6.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 pm w/a motion by Marc Ruhling and 2nd by Matt Napieralski

Respectfully submitted, Jonathan Wieand, President and Temporary Secretary (due to lack of delegation)

Attendance:  Penny & Murray Bartel, Fran & Matt Napieralski, Michelle & Marty Hostetler, Harry Burnstine, Richard Broadbent, Jim Nelson, Rudolf Engler, Erika Engler, Marc Ruhling, Sadie Pollard, Sharon Tyler, Mary Ann & Jonathan Wieand

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